Monday, May 29, 2006

"A daughter"..... (19 May 2006)

"A daughter"

a daughter is a wonderful blessing
a treasure from above
she's laughter, warmth and special charm
she's thoughtfulness and love
a daughter brings a special joy
that comes from deep inside
and as she grows to adulthood
she fills your heart with pride
with every year that passes
she's more special than before
through every stage, through every age
you love her even more
no words can describe the warm memories
the pride and gratitude, too
that comes from having a daughter
to love and to cherish....
by : Desy Santhyani

foto : karya Lilya Ratnaningrum

Who Feels Love?

Found what I'd lost inside
My spirit has been purified
Take a thorn from my pride
And hand in hand we'll take a walk outside
Thank you for the sun the one that shines on everyone
Who feels love
Now there's a million years between my fantasies & fears
I feel love
I'm leaving all that I see
Now all my emotions fill the air I breath
Now you understand that this is not the promised land
They spoke of
There's nothing more to be
If you can be the remedy who heals love
by : Ruhut Hutabarat

Life, river (and safety)
Inginnya sih menikmati saja
Kebimbangan dan masalah yang melanda
Bahwa setiap periode hidup hanyalah sebuah fasa
Mengapa harus tersiksa
Tawa dan air mata pasti datang
Silih berganti
Mungkin bersama
Mengapa harus hanyut
Dalam pikiran dan aliran permasalahan
Padahal kan aku nggak bisa berenang?
Cobalah pakai pelampung logika
Liferaft keyakinan
Hanya agar aku menepi
Dan berlari
Ke atas jembatan
Dan akupun
Seperti aliran sungai
Tak perlu panik (karena ngga perlu berenang)
Ingin berjalan ke jembatan itu
Ada yang mau bantu??
OFB 19/05/06
Think safety first, hehehe..


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